This is a blog mainly focused about programming, problem solving and technology. It will contain my findings, (hopefully) useful tips and occasionally some rants.

Even if that’s the main focus, I’m not willing to stop myself to sometimes publish unrelated stuff that just interests me.

Given its focus, I think of it like a way to save and share some thoughts that may be useful to the future’s myself.

The name of this blog means “the dog programmer” and it isn’t about my love for dogs. It comes from the number of times I thought that the code I was reading (or writing!) was impossibly bad. In fact, in Italy “fare le cose da cani” (make things like dogs) means not doing a great job 🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺.

Me on the field
A rare image of me working

A bit about me

To everyone reading, I’m Marco Manino, a software engineer from Italy. My areas of interest are algorithm, problem solving and programming, usually with a focus on performance.

Right now I’m working for Canonical. I’m also a member of the Italian Order of Engineers.

In my spare time, I love swimming free in the sea during summer and snowboarding during winter. Also, I’m a music addict, so I basically spend most of the time listening to music (and no, I don’t like all the music, but a fair amount).